Tellows Directory
identify trustworthy or potential risk calls
Add business to Tellows
Tellows phone directory and caller identification with over seven million active users in 50 countries. Individual and business could rate numbers, see caller type, block unwanted calls, stop phone scams and share phone numbers, caller ID and use caller blocking service within huge Tellows community.
Organizing and providing information in a technological world is critical. Tellows excels at this. A service dedicated to eliminating the universal problem of scams and telemarketers, it's a database that continues to expand in an effort to make life safer and easier for its users.
Tellows Apps
You, as a business owner, can perform a free online scan showing how your company scores locally among your client base. This fast and straightforward scan will provide you with a score out of 100 that considers ratings and reviews of your business, online listings, social media chatter, website user experience, customer opinions, and other factors. Easy way to get information about spam numbers and details about there owners.
How It Works
Tellows functions as a give-and-take spam and scam notification resource. You as the user will play an active part in increasing the warning information base for your fellow participants. They, in turn, will do the same for you. This is how nuisance-call trends are curtailed. Not only are they reported, but their origins are pinpointed on a prefix identification map. All unnecessary, fraudulent, and harassment callers that end up in the database are accurately and thoroughly documented.
With over seven million monthly users, Tellows has a resource pool in 50 countries. Daily, the list of annoyance calls expands.
Media News and Information
Tellows is active on social media, and hosts a wealth of resources on blogs and in magazines. Stay up to date with the latest news regarding scam methods and prevention.
Home and On the Go
Not only is Tellows available for smartphones, but it protects landlines as well. Both homes and businesses worldwide rely on the ever-increasing services that are offered.
Be a Part of the Evolution
Make your life more convenient and safe. Stop your phone lines from being jammed by potential threats. Learn more about Tellows, and download the app today! Become a premium member and let scam artists turn into a thing of the past.
There is a Free version!
Business Description
Attract more customers with detailed business description.
Main profile
Basic business information, including phone and street address.
Payment Methods
Inform customers in advance what payment methods are excepted.
Working Hours
Let your customers know when you are open and when business is closed.
Holiday Hours
Inform your customers about special hours during holidays.
Real Time Updates
Control your listings in real time.
Website URL
Get extra traffic to your webpages by providing a direct link to your website.
Latitude and Longitude
Show exact business location with map pin.
Get a comprehensive view of how consumers interact with your brand on the places they search.
Not Applicable
Duplicate Suppression
Suppress duplicate listings and let visitors see only correctly listed profile.
One picture worth a thousand words, add several photos for the best presentation.
Not Applicable
Service Lists
Show offering and specialty with detailed product and services lists.
Not Applicable for this Directory
Google Business
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Event Calendar
Highlight special business events and promotions with event calendar
24/7 Hours
Let customers know your service is available at any time of day.