eLocal Helps to Find Anything Local
reviews, advertising and employment opportunities
Add business to eLocal
eLocal helps to find a local company when internet users are looking for a bank branch, doctor, lawyer, locksmith, plumber, hotel, post office, pizza delivery or any other business or service they need at the moment.
Key Benefits of eLocal Business Listings
Expand your business's reach with eLocal Business Listings. eLocal aims to help customers connect with millions of local businesses spanning a wide range of industries. By getting listed on our comprehensive directory, you have the unique opportunity to build your customer base and boost visibility for your products or services.
Explore all the benefits that eLocal has to offer. No matter what industry you're in or where your company is based, there's a special place for your business on this dynamic, inclusive website.
Detailed Descriptions
Maximize online traffic for your business by including a detailed description in your listing. Descriptions give you the opportunity to share your company's unique history and tell a compelling story to customers. By incorporating the relevant keywords for your specific industry, you can also capture the attention of customers who are interested in what your brand has to offer.
A Variety of Industries
Connect with the right customers by choosing your preferred industry. When setting up your listing, you can choose from a wide selection of business categories. Examples of popular categories include:
- Auto insurance
- A/C contractors
- Electricians
- Dentists
- Carpenters
- General contractors
- Landscapers
- Lawyers
- Plumbers
- Locksmiths
- Cleaning services
- Beauty and nail salons
Numerous Locations
Help customers find you with help from the location feature. Select your town or city in the US to ensure that local customers find out who you are. Whether you run your business in Chicago or Los Angeles, eLocal allows you to form meaningful relationships with clients in your preferred location. You don't have to waste any more time hunting down potential customers within your geographical area.
Get Started Today With the eLocal Business Listings Directory
Join eLocal's vibrant community of local businesses today. You already have your fair share of business expenses to deal with, which is why getting listed on our directory is completely free. You can even set up your own listing in just five minutes or less. Get started today to discover the impact you can make with eLocal.
Business Description
Attract more customers with detailed business description.
Main profile
Basic business information, including phone and street address.
Payment Methods
Inform customers in advance what payment methods are excepted.
Working Hours
Let your customers know when you are open and when business is closed.
Holiday Hours
Inform your customers about special hours during holidays.
Real Time Updates
Control your listings in real time.
Website URL
Get extra traffic to your webpages by providing a direct link to your website.
Latitude and Longitude
Show exact business location with map pin.
Get a comprehensive view of how consumers interact with your brand on the places they search.
Share employee biographies — highlighting their education, specializations.
Duplicate Suppression
Suppress duplicate listings and let visitors see only correctly listed profile.
One picture worth a thousand words, add several photos for the best presentation.
Videos attract more customer and keep them on your page.
Service Lists
Show offering and specialty with detailed product and services lists.
Present your service menu online.
Google Business
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Event Calendar
Highlight special business events and promotions with event calendar
24/7 Hours
Let customers know your service is available at any time of day.