Today there are approximately 348.7 million domain names have been registered. They are spread across all top-level domains (TLDs) with all time leader is a dot com extension. Lots of names have been taken, but introduction of more than 600 new domain zones brought needed extra space for internet community. So how to find a domain name that will be search engine optimization friendly? Where to look and what to check. First, simple and hard, look for a domain name that is short, easy to remember, easy to type, and easy to say. One of the key to an SEO effective domain name is branding. Focus on using your existing business name, service or personal name, use aria or historic associations and try to create and brand sounding phrase. Google uses ‘brand names’ as mark of a high quality website. Prefer a domain name that is highly intuitive. Avoid using numbers and special characters in domain name, avoid Exact Match Domains (EMDs) as they become associated with low quality or spammy websites.